The power of an hour

Francoise and Alexandre, mother and father to 2 daughters

Francoise and Alexandre, mother and father to 2 daughters

In the midst of the local primary school’s festive atmosphere, mother Francoise and father Alexandre found a (less noisy) corner to talk. They’re attending Parents Day at their children’s school, where GHI, in partnership with the UN World Food Programme, is hosting a One Pot One Hour cooking demonstration. “We came to the celebration because we were curious how a balanced meal could be possible with only one pot, in one hour,” says Alexandre. 

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Sure enough, GHI Health Coordinator Annonciathe had pulled off that exact feat minutes earlier, showing families with limited resources how a four-color nutritionally balanced meal could be made with a single pot in an hour, offering tips like soaking beans overnight. “Before, we used vegetables on occasion, but I could use this innovation at home,” insists Francoise. “I was so surprised to see this happen all in one hour. If I soak my beans overnight, I can go to work in the morning, before returning home to make our meal. Now, I don’t have to spend the entire day cooking.”

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Alexandre agrees, adding: “This method will certainly help my family. I used to believe that cooking was for women, but now I feel like it’s a partnership. I’m not going to keep this information to myself; we’re going to teach our neighbors about the One Pot One Hour method.” Francoise nods, “If I teach ten people, and then they teach twenty more people, we could tell our whole town in a matter of months!”

Story and photos by Jessica Wright