What’s on the menu? Donatila takes on flavorful healthy eating


Gardens for Health, in partnership with the UN World Food Programme, is striving to provide access to balanced nutrition to all children. Our agriculture, health, and nutrition trainings at schools across Rwanda provide important tools for sustainable sources of nutritious veggies .

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Four of Donatila Nyiransabimana’s five children are at school today, but despite their conspicuous absence, her house is filled with laughter. “If I’d known you were coming so close to lunch, I’d have impressed you with my new menu! Should I set a plate for you?” Donatila’s easy humor is contagious, and she’s eager to share her newfound skills and knowledge. 

“Before [my children received nutrition education at school], the meals I prepared for my family did not have all the necessary nutrients for a healthy diet. Sometimes, my meals were missing essential components, like ‘veggies that help you grow,’ or ‘veggies that build your immune system.’ But now, I cook balanced meals, and I can see the difference as my kids grow daily.” 

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Donatila’s children brought home new nutrition information, agriculture skills, and seeds from school. “My daughter in grade 6 is especially sharp-witted. Even when I can’t make it to parent trainings, she teaches me her lessons from school, and always holds me accountable! The teachers taught them how to effectively grow vegetables, then provided the kids with seeds and seedlings to create their own gardens at home. We established a garden here together, then started eating veggies.” The opportunity was facilitated by Gardens for Health and the UN World Food Programme. 

“This project is not only beneficial to our children, but also for us. While vegetables help my kids grow, they also keep my husband and me healthy.”

Of course, it’s not only about healthy eating. “My favorite part is wow-ing my family by adding flavor!” Donatila laughs heartily. “I add a touch of oil, a few tomatoes, and peanuts, mix it all together, and it’s magic! My children have quite the appetite!” 

Even though the family suffered a financial setback during COVID (disrupted market activities resulted in lower incomes), Donatila plans to expand her garden with the school’s help. “I want to add more varieties of vegetables. Despite all the hurdles we’ve faced, I’m thankful that my family is healthy. And in the future, I want to develop myself, support my children, and save up for myself and my family!”

Story and photos by Jessica Wright.